Human Ressources

Your HR director to support you in your hiring process

Our Services


Recruite your future employees

  • Preparation and posting of job offers
  • Receipt and sorting of CVs
  • Telephone interviews and reference checks
  • Assistance during the final interview with candidates and in the preparation of a series of questions
  • Support in the selection of the final candidate

Ensure a harmonious integration

  • Preparation of job offer letters
  • Writing your employee manual
  • Drafting of the company's internal policies
  • Support in welcoming and integrating new employees

Digitalization of your Human ressources

  • Integrating a human ressources management application
  • Onboarding process for employees on the app
  • Digital tools to manage performance
  • Employee's files on the cloud
  • Selecting vacations and benefits through the app for employees
  • Additional features are available on demand